HomeThe Songs

The Songs


"I pulled my shoes on and walked out of every one of these Pacific Northwest Mountain towns drawing pictures in my mind and listening to poems and songs and words faster to come and dance in my ears than I could ever get them wrote down..."

~Woody Guthrie, Columbia River Collection Songbook



These are the songs Woody Guthrie created during this period of creativity in the Pacific Northwest.  Clicking on a song title will connect you to a recording of the song, guitar tablatures ("tabs"), the song’s background information pulled from the original recording's liner notes, and lyrics:

A ramblin' round

Columbia talkin' blues

Columbia waters

Eleckatricity and all

Grand Coulee powder monkey

Guys on the Grand Coulee Dam

Grand Coulee Dam

Hard travelin'

It takes a married man to sing a worried song.

Jackhammer blues

Lumber is king

Mile an' a half from th' end of th' line (End of my line)

New found land

Oregon line (That Oregon trail)

Out past the end of the line

Pastures of plenty

Portland town to Klamath Falls

Ramblin' blues (Portland town)

Roll on Columbia, roll on

Roll, Columbia, roll

The ballad of Jackhammer John

The biggest thing that man has ever done (The great historical bum)

The song of the Grand Coulee Dam (Way up in that Northwest)

The talkin' blues

Washington talkin' blues

White ghost train